In preparation for my upcoming CD Meditations of My Heart, I have been notating the music. The sheet music will be available exactly when the CD is available—a first! Also, there are a few pieces that require careful and frequent hands-separate practice, which is much easier when the notes are in front of me as well as in my head.
Current draft cover of new CD
One such piece is my arrangement of Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho, which I call Tumble Down Walls. It’s rather martial and quite energetic, and I’ve been playing it with more verve than mastery for a few years now. That won’t do for recording! So I’ve notated it and am now actually practicing it.
It’s only 36 measures!
Noticing that, I decided to time it.
It’s not even 2 minutes long!
Oh my gosh! I had no idea. It feels much much longer to me. Because of all that work I’m doing, I guess.
There are new discoveries every day at the piano. I am constantly surprised. (So fun!)